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Federal Republic in the heart of Europe.

The transport of news already existed in Helvetia in antiquity. However, there can be no question of organization or regularity. The transmission of messages took place mostly by pilgrims, monastery servants or traveling craftsmen. In the further course also by various Kaufmannsgilden, Fuhrleute or administrative organs of individual cities.

In the late 16th century, the purchasing team established the first regular postal services by means of messengers in St. Gallen. They then followed other cities, such as. Bern. As a result of the French Revolution, the Helvetic Republic was called. In 1798, he nationalized the postal system, but was dissolved by Napoleon in 1803. This transferred the postal organization to the individual cantons. This decentralization led to confusing circumstances and was only lifted by the revolution of 1848. From this point onwards, a single State Office can be spoken of.

The entry into the UPU was on 1 July 1875

Unless expressly stated otherwise, the editions of No. 825-1334 are printed on phosphorous paper, No. 1335-1672 on fluorescent paper, and the editions from No. 1673 on normal paper with luminous fibers.

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